Katie's Hand Me Down Day - Week 4 (Sept. 23-27)
Calendar Time - Using our pocket chart calendar, we review the months of the year and the number of days in each month as well as the names of the days of the week. We go over Season we are in, the weather outside today, what day it was yesterday today and tomorrow. We also talk about special days coming up such as field trips and birthdays and mark them on the calendar. We try to do calendar time at least twice a week.BIBLE - verse Review - We reviewed our Awana verses.

This book covers themes of environmental responsibility and recycling. After reading the book we talked about why we recycle and how God wants us to be respectful of the environment because the earth is His creation.
PHONICS: 5 pages of Explode the Code
MATH: We did a dry erase number practice and counting sheet.
PE: Outside play
BIBLE: CSBM Hand Me Downs From Jesus
We read 1 Peter 5:5 and Galatians 5:22-23 and talked about wearing hand-me-downs or clothing Jesus would want. We talked about the attributes in the verse and how practicing those attitudes is like wearing clothing that Jesus gives us.
ENGLISH - READ-A-LOUD: Katie's Hand Me Down Day
All of Katie's clothes are hand me downs. She longs for a new item of 'brand-spanking-new' clothing all to herself, so her Father takes her shopping but as they travel through the department stores Katie's Dad reveals special stories about each item of clothing that Katie is trying to replace. As they progress through each store Katie decides to keep hand-me down boots from her brother, a sweater made by her Grandmother passed down from her sister, rain coat from the neighbors kid across the way etc. The shopping trip allows Katie to bond with her Dad and hear stories of her siblings growing up and learn about not just the clothing but the skills and character traits that her family can pass down to her. In the end Katie's shopping choice is a Sundae with her Dad. That night while she is sleeping, her Dad wheels in her very own 'brand-spanking-new' bicycle.
CSBM - If Hand Me Downs Could Talk
Liam chose an item of clothing that was a hand me down to journal about. We found some pictures on the computer of Liam and his younger brother David wearing the same sweater. We talked about all the kids that had owned that sweater and how special it was to receive and pass down a hand-me-down.
Art - Drawing
Printing Practice
1 hr: 12-1pm
Wednesday - Field Trip to Rainbow Roost
We attended this field trip planned by S.H.O.K. (Secular Homeschoolers of Kamloops). The owners of the farm allowed us to visit with and feed chickens, goats and sheep. We then went over to the big pen to see their pigs of all different sizes (one that was 600 pounds). We then proceeded over to the horse pen to visit with both full size and dwarf horses. The farmer taught us about animal safety when approaching a horse.
Following our time with the animals the farm allowed us to use their zip-line and the farmer took the kids in twos on tractor rides.
It was a much fuller day than expected. We were there from 9 am 1 pm.
Community Learning - Social Studies
Calendar Time
Everything Grows - Raffi (CSBM)
We pulled out our rhythm instruments and spent some played along with the song.
We read Katie's Hand Me Down Day again
Hyphens (CSBM)
We looked for hyphens on each page and talked about how hyphens were like strings that hold individual words together to make new words by joining two words together.
Helping Others In Our Family (CSBM)
We talked about how Katie's family helped her learn and grow and how God designed families to work that way. We talked about how each one as brothers and sisters could help each other within their family by learning things, working on things together etc.
In Motion (CSBM)
We looked at the art work in the book and talked about how the artist uses lines to show motion so that we can see that the water is skipping, or that the bike is going fast.
Number line review #'s 1-10
Number Recognition
Explode the Code
BIBLE - Awana workbook reading and scripture verse review
John 3:16 and the doctrine of salvation
PE - Outside Play
AWANA CLUB - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday - no school. All day at cousins house while Mom and Aunty processed lots and lots of Apples.
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